TM-241 / TM-441 – Correspondance S-RF et dBm

Ludo | 2 mai 2021

À toutes fins utiles, voici les correspondances entre l’indication des bargraph et le niveau de signal injecté avec le banc radio sur la fiche d’antenne de ces postes. Ces relevés ont été effectués après avoir calibré les S-mètres comme indiqué dans les manuels d’alignement de Kenwood.

TM-241 TM-441
S0: < -123.5dBm
S1: -123.5dBm
S3: -119.3dBm
S5: -114.7dBm
S7: -109.8dBm
S9: -105.7dBm
S9+20: -100.4dBm
S9+40: >-93.6dBm
S0: < -120.9dBm
S1: -120.9dBm
S3: -116.6dBm
S5: -111.7dBm
S7: -107.7dBm
S9: -103.2dBm
S9+20: -98.4dBm
S9+40: >-91.6dBm

FTM-100’s mysterious S-RF scale

Ludo | 1 mars 2020
The FTM-100 S-RF indicator has no scale, which makes it useless as is. I can’t find any good reason for Yaesu to omit giving any information about that scale, even on the user’s manual.
S-RF readings vary from one transceiver’s model to another, that’s a known fact, but I truly believe that Yaesu made many steps further with this absurd meter thing.

So, for all intents and purposes:

Equivalent S-meter scale source: Wikipedia
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